Greetings fellow humans!! It’s me, and it’s 2023! I’ve arrived here, this day, unlike I’ve arrived at any other time before (just as I’d suspect you have as well) ~ with new inspirations and challenges I’d like to explore as a human, and as an artist. I’ve been wanting ~ aiming at writing here on my blog in a consistent manner for a while now. I guess it’s been easy relying on social media to share my art and process daily or more frequently, but that isn’t so much the case anymore as algorithms have made reaching my followers nearly impossible. Also, my schedule has been stuffed to the gills with deadlines and meetings. I’m coming off of my latest solo exhibition (“Everything I Ever Was” at the beautiful Corey Helford Gallery October 29th -November 5th 2022) and I’ve some new space and time to breathe here for a moment. To ask my Artist Heart what she would like to be curious about.

I have many answers to that question artistically, personally. One big one is writing. To write one must not necessarily have readers~ but I do have this website where I share my visual stories which each have very personal meaning behind them, throughout them. Ever before I’ve been satisfied with just that visual representation, until now. And with this website, I have a BLOG. Perhaps the two can go together ~ (duh!)

I’ll be here, frequently. Language is my second language. My Artist Heart begs me to be curious in my language. To DARE dream in words. Let’s see what happens, shall we? :)
