Hello there! I thought I might properly introduce myself ~ my name is Brandi Milne and I am a professional visual artist and writer. I’m based in Orange County, CA, and I show my work in galleries within the US as well as internationally.

Brandi Milne by Jessica Louise

I grew up in Anaheim, CA in the late 1970’s/early 80’s - it was a different world back then than we’re experiencing today. My parents were/are honest, good intentioned people, who grew up in the late 1940’s/early 50’s and very much kept to the American traditions of those times in the way they raised myself and my 3 siblings. As a kid my world (our home) informed my art spirit with cartoons and movies on the tv like Looney Tunes’ Bugs Bunny, Disney’s Pinocchio & Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, Jim Hensen’s Muppets, Sid & Marty Kroft - I could go on forever! (maybe I will in another post!) I absorbed these iconic classics and found at an early age that I spoke a truer language in images than in words and felt a powerful connection and desire to explore that. I was obsessed with coloring books and crayons and couldn’t wait to get home from elementary school to get to drawing and coloring!

Scaredy Cat (2019, acrylic on panel0

All these years later, that passion has carved out a 20 plus year career as an artist, for which I am eternally grateful. Sincerely a dream come true - I wouldn’t rather be anything else! My work is my most precious companion as I walk through this life, it has been there for me every step of the way. Art doesn’t judge, it doesn’t criticize - it only asks that I show up authentically and express my truth, whatever form that takes - and I am dedicated to doing just that.

I hope that other’s will find truth and humanness in my work, and maybe a bit of themselves too. As this is the magic of art…